If diversity and inclusivity resonate with your values, Counter Voice Network is excited to have you on board! To become a part of the community, please follow the simple steps outlined below. If there are multiple speakers of the same languages, the curation of voices will be overseen by Tatsuo Miyajima.

  1. Record your voice in a comfortable place free of noise. This can be done on any available device. PC, tablet, smart phone quality is good enough.

  2. When you record, count down from “9” to “1” in your first or native language. Take a deep breath and remain silent at “0.” Length of silence is up to each performer. After the silence, start counting again from “9” to “1.”

  3. Continue the counting process for about 3 minutes. Through adjusting the speed of each loop, you may explore the expression of your emotions with a range of different tones and volumes, including speaking in a soft or loud, cheerful or somber manner.

  4. Fill the application form and upload your voice record through “CHOOSE FILE” button. Read the terms and conditions and check the box to accept before submitting the form.